This management is based on:

  • New and constantly revised low impact silvicultural techniques.

  • A stable and well-trained team of local laborers

  • Reduced use of pesticides.

  • Maintenance of a vigorous undergrowth for soil protection and recovery of the humus layers while creating a habitat and corridor for a variety of endemic fauna.

  • Enrichment plantings with native flower and fruit bearing species in and around the commercial stands to enhance biodiversity.

  • Close interaction between the company, local communities, authorities and NGOs.

Why an exotic wood species like teak?

Teak is globally one of the most accepted and fast growing tropical hardwood species. It has a significant market (in volume) and the species does not have too many problems with plagues or diseases. In other words: teak is the most viable option with an acceptable horizon for tropical timber investment.

At EcoForest we do not manage a block of 3,000 hectares of teak stands. On the contrary, it is a mosaic of commercial tree stands, natural forests, protection zones and water bodies, where the teak is a corridor between natural forests of different national parks and refuges creating at the same time a natural buffer between teak stands against the dissemination of an eventual plague, disease or even a wildfire.
