118 Seedlings are Planted in La Chorrera

Commemorating the 118 years of separation of Panama from Colombia, Mr. Tomás Velásquez Correa, Mayor of La Chorrera, takes up the initiative to continue with the reforestation of the Arraiján - La Chorrera highway, carrying out a day of planting seedlings.

Activity that was carried out in conjunction with the company ECOFOREST Panamá, S. de R.L. who contributed with the donation of 80 seedlings of native species among them: Roble, Guayacán, Almendro, Espavé, Cocobolo among others, of the 118 seedlings that were planted in this sector of the town of Guadalupe, at the entrance to Rincón Solano .

This as part of the environmental actions that this company has been carrying out through a concession with the National Government, to reforest the areas near Gatún Lake, mainly in the districts of Arraiján and La Chorrera, as well as in other sites that require reforestation. .

This event was attended by Lic. Mayrelis Cacho, Lic. Walter Flores and Environmental Engineer Joao Rojas from the Municipal Planning Directorate, Engineer Erik Schinkel Operational Manager of ECOFOREST Panamá, S. de R.L. and the participation of the Parish Priest Jorge Rivera of the Immaculate Conception Church.

In addition to the sowing, the general cleaning of the land that was reforested was carried out.


Gran Reto EcoForest


EcoForest Panama Supports Native Tree planting initiative